Friday, June 20, 2008

Maddy and Spongebob Sittin' in a Tree.......

Every evening, as I sit in the spare bedroom, cross legged on the bed with my laptop, Maddy crawls up and sits in my lap. She, in her sweet little 3 year old voice, asks for Spongebob on the "pooter" (computer for those of you following along). I then pull up Etsy and search"Spongebob". We then look at everything listed as she eats her snack of dried fruit. She "Ooooos and Ahhhhs", claims she wants everything she sees, tells me what is "so tuuute", and on the flip side tells me what is "ugwee". I thought I would share some pictures of her favorite items she picked out. Items we come close to having full-fledged melt downs over as she is having trouble understanding that they just don't magically appear out of thin air when requested.

So, without further ado.....Maddy's favorite man.....Spongebob.....

Well, there it is in all of it's glory. That one was for you my Madelyn!

Tonight my husband and I are having a "get together" with some of my co-worker/friends at our house. It will be our official first PARTY in our new house and I think our first official PARTY EVER! WOW! How sad huh? So, we plan on having food, drinks, a little cheesy karaoke, some Guitar Hero, a little Rock Star, music, talk and I hope a whole lot of laughter! Have a great weekend! You all take care........go forth and create!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leslie, It is me, Patty. I am so sorry our girl is so sick. Poor baby. I love your site and idea. Put me down for one of your rings, I don't have one you know. Ha! Great idea. Keep us posted on how our girl is doing.I love your blog. Great job. Patty


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